I have been looking at adding a Pendant to a little 3 axis cnc machine. I have been looking at this one and am wondering if anyone has suggestions on something that works well?
The wiring diagram looks pretty simple, but am not sure how I would associate the IO with the jog buttons on KMotionCNC.
This is a well built pendant with the functions needed for jog CNC equipment. I is sturdy, and professional looking. This pendant is just like MPG2, but wired to...
I believe that is similar to what others have used. There are a number of C examples to monitor MPG inputs and perform motion. Such as:MPGSmoothHardwareEnc.c
We use that pendant (6-axis version). The documentation is crap, since there is no such pin as "9*" or "10*", but the B and C axes are indeed wired to the 25-pin connector - we just had to open it up and take a look. They come out on some of the unused pins: B comes out on pin 18, and C on pin 19.
I believe that is similar to what others have used. There are a number of C examples to monitor MPG inputs and perform motion. Such as:MPGSmoothHardwareEnc.c